The Breath by This Day Forward

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What sets you apart what sets us apart. Some kind of sign that you're alive. Show me a sign that you're still alive. Stop your pulse drops. As you dwell upon the breath that you're just about to take. Hey you hey you stranger over there. What are you besides a creature taking in the air. Spell out your names. Tell me your lies. Stranger, what sets you apart. Stranger, what sets us apart. What sets you apart what sets us apart. Show me some kind of sign that you're alive. Show me a sign that you're still alive. It's all just a matter of conditional response. Sending out a search. Search for a Picasso. Bring up back to life, paint us back to life. Spell our your names. Tell me your lies. Stranger, what sets you apart. Stranger, what sets us apart. Some kind of sign that you're alive. Show me a sign that you're still alive. It's all just a matter of conditional reponse. Bring us back to life. Paint us back to life. This is a sign.

This Day Forward Releases

Release with solid bullets feature The Breath

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Last 10 Played

  1. Miami - Sleepwalking Through Life
  2. Hundred Aker Wood - For
  3. Cringer - If I Had Your Pen
  4. Pear Of The West - All I Want All I Need Is Communication
  5. Heavenly - Trophy Girlfriend
  6. Fastbacks - What To Expect - Dirk's Car Jam
  7. Kid Dynamite - Gate 68
  8. Code 13 - Last of the Mohican
  9. Idol Punch - CxOxP
  10. Rapeman - Radar Love Lizard

Recent posts on the boards:

Alx <VTPX6YKocs> 2023-11-30 05:33
Just discovered this - so damn rad!
Harry <h3/MiX4gVw> 2022-10-16 14:09
works <fDWl9z5Ur1> 2022-09-01 04:50
Re: New server!
it works friend
Harry <yt7b5zSaYA> 2022-06-28 20:29
New server!
This is a test post on the new server
jothfo <OAwq0Zihe1> 2020-12-12 12:21
Re: Thanks
Do you have any info on the bands that are featured on the Can You Spare a...

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