11:40 by Vapor Lock

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Rated * * ( 2.5 on 2 votes)

Time goes by in my room
It couldn't have happened too soon
Cause now I'm faced
Now I'm faced with just these walls
It couldn't have happened too soon

Vapor Lock Releases

Release with solid bullets feature 11:40

Request Queue

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Last 10 Played

  1. The Mr. T Experience - How I Made a Million in a Punk Rock Band
  2. Tsunami - Loud Is As Loud Does
  3. Downfall - My City
  4. Bracket - Parade
  5. Nasal Sex - Freezer Burn
  6. Lagwagon - Today
  7. The Murderers - Things To Do Today
  8. Pidgeon - Fallout
  9. Stikky - Transients
  10. EBMUD - Win Or Lose

Recent posts on the boards:

Alx <VTPX6YKocs> 2023-11-30 05:33
Just discovered this - so damn rad!
Harry <h3/MiX4gVw> 2022-10-16 14:09
works <fDWl9z5Ur1> 2022-09-01 04:50
Re: New server!
it works friend
Harry <yt7b5zSaYA> 2022-06-28 20:29
New server!
This is a test post on the new server
jothfo <OAwq0Zihe1> 2020-12-12 12:21
Re: Thanks
Do you have any info on the bands that are featured on the Can You Spare a...

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