Fun On The Freeway by Stikky

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Shooting at people on the freeway started down in the South
It's now become a trend, I sure hope that I'm not left out
Nothing like this has ever happened in our whole history
But I'll be jealous if someone gets to shoot more people than me!

Driving around with a 6-pack sure is fun
I down some beers and then pull out my gun
Don't swerve in front of me, don't even try
If you steal my parking spot yer gonna die!!

Down goes the guy driving the Mazda
Down goes the lady at the corner
Down goes the fool parked under the tree
It's like shooting gallery
"Killing's my business and business sure is good"
A list of my victims is chalked out on my hood
I can strike anywhere, I baffle the police
Only when I'm finally bored will these problems cease

When I'm stressed out and my life is a mess
I take some shots from a freeway overpass
This random slaughter helps me to calm down
Maybe I'll take my agressions out on your town!!

Stikky Releases

Release with solid bullets feature Fun On The Freeway

Request Queue

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Last 10 Played

  1. Excuse The Blood - Destroy You
  2. The Descendents - My Dad Sucks
  3. Scholastic Deth - Killed by School
  4. The Lookouts - Outside
  5. The Unlovables - Crazy Tonight
  6. Marine Research - Venn Diagram
  7. Number Girl - Yasruse Nakio No Beat
  8. Garrison - Recognize An Opportunity
  9. Samiam - Curbside
  10. Shellac - House Full Of Garbage

Recent posts on the boards:

Alx <VTPX6YKocs> 2023-11-30 05:33
Just discovered this - so damn rad!
Harry <h3/MiX4gVw> 2022-10-16 14:09
works <fDWl9z5Ur1> 2022-09-01 04:50
Re: New server!
it works friend
Harry <yt7b5zSaYA> 2022-06-28 20:29
New server!
This is a test post on the new server
jothfo <OAwq0Zihe1> 2020-12-12 12:21
Re: Thanks
Do you have any info on the bands that are featured on the Can You Spare a...

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