Land Mine by Fifteen

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Land mine - blew my legs off
Now I sit by - the subway station
Land mine - blew my legs off
Now I ask for change - you turn your head and walk away

I was a kid once - I got forced into it
I couldn't afford college - I didn't have a deferment
They call it service - dismemberment
They call it service - amputation
Germany Panama Lebanon Korea
Vietnam Philippines Iraq.. This time it's Bosnia
Favorable statistics - and smiling confident presidents
Couldn't ever portray - an 18 year old
Cut in half
Never gonna walk again
Never gonna run again
Never gonna stand again

Land mine - blew my legs off
I ask for change - you say to yourself just another alcoholic
Land mine - blew my legs off
I got some change - I think I think I'll drink it all away

Jail all the owners of the mainstream media
For the crimes of violence against humanity
Jail all the owners of the defense industry
For the crimes of violence against humanity
Jail all the presidents and senators and congressmen
For the crimes of violence against humanity
Jail Ted Turner, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Henry Kissinger and Al Haig
For the crimes of violence against humanity

Fifteen Releases

Release with solid bullets feature Land Mine

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Last 10 Played

  1. Screeching Weasel - Celena
  2. Blatz - Lullabye
  3. Samiam - Whole
  4. Christ On A Crutch - Off Target
  5. Dillinger Four - Inquiring Minds Should Read A Book
  6. Tsunami - Le Bride D' Elegance
  7. Plaid Retina - Aggravated Assault
  8. Shellac - Song Against Itself
  9. Tilt - Sterile Heaven
  10. The Bombshells - Fight In The Bathroom

Recent posts on the boards:

Alx <VTPX6YKocs> 2023-11-30 05:33
Just discovered this - so damn rad!
Harry <h3/MiX4gVw> 2022-10-16 14:09
works <fDWl9z5Ur1> 2022-09-01 04:50
Re: New server!
it works friend
Harry <yt7b5zSaYA> 2022-06-28 20:29
New server!
This is a test post on the new server
jothfo <OAwq0Zihe1> 2020-12-12 12:21
Re: Thanks
Do you have any info on the bands that are featured on the Can You Spare a...

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